Untitled (camper van)
David Lundbye
Year: 2011
Size: 16" x 22"
Medium: Archival Pigment Print
Value: $600
Minimum bid: $250
The establishing shot is the entrance to a narrative, but whose narrative? The storyteller, the audience or the characters it contains? As many parts it takes to make a story, as many angles the story has for us to explore. I create worlds that are ambiguous on how they came to be. In my photographs, fragments from reality are recontextualized, with different elements that allude to the notion of something tangible, concrete and familiar. Through manipulation and transformation, I combine the fragments and elements in order to create narratives that can coexist with the one that we think we already know. As somebody interested in science, anthropology, politics and science-fiction, these elements are part of the fragments I look at in order to reconstruct and question the veracity of what we assume as true —research, history and methodology are part of the creation of stories that could might as well be taken as “real”. I can use animals long-gone and frozen in a physical gesture of what they once were, sliced into one pose that exists statically next to cars taken from former but not distant times, added to modern cityscapes, in an attempt to compress past and present, to make undefined and ambiguous timelines that exist outside of contemporary society, and spark conversations that are not locked in what is assumed as history. My photographs are alternative paths to the paths of what I have been told.